I'm Daito
,and today is Apr. 29th
i was suffering from pain of face.
but now, i'm fine!
and i went to central liblary to attend conversation event.
there was so nice!
there were many kinds of people.
japanese was just two people! include me!
and today's fasiritertar(spell, lol) was sooo nice!
her was good at managing conversation.
and she taught us some slang.
i'll introduce later!
after that, i had a dinnner with japanese who is doctor.
his story was so interested!
because i had never heard real story of doctor.
there are big differences btw us and jp.
for instance,
in us, there are many doctors and a lot of assign(idk,lol)
today was soo nice for me,
expect this pain, lol
●i learned [wishy-washy]
(A)i'm debeting wether buy it, or not.
(B)buy it!
(A)ok, I'll buy!
(A).....wait! but....
(B)come on!!
(A)ok! I'll buy!!!
(B)you are wishy-washy.
●i learned [self fulfilled prophecy]
(friend)why do you have such a confidence?
(i said)confidence? i just do what i want.
(i said)and i'm thinking what i think seriously is come ture.
(friend)i see. it's kinda self fulfilled prophecy.
●i learned [wish upon a star]
(she)do you know pinokio?
(i said)yeah!
(she)he wished upon a star.
(she)it's kinda self fulfilled prophecy.
(she)other things are 11:11.
(i said)what's ?
(she)in us, when it's 11:11, if you wish something, it is said that it come ture.
see you!!!
Hair Salon
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.28th
i went to hair salon today.
my hair is soooo soooo not special, lol
it's like every tom, dick and harry's hair. lol
that's it today,lol
so, i'll introduce the prase which i used in the store.
oh, bummer...
i forgot to do my hw.
i have to do right now.
but this hw is not tight.
so i can do that.
i forget what is my hw thought.
it's gonna be ok lol
●i learned [ショートカットにしてください]
→I would like to have it cut short.
(i said)oh, i'd like to have it cut short.
(i said)yeah, but dont cut too short, you know?
(she)ok. reach your eye blow?
(i said)that'd be great!
●i learned [how to pay tip]
→hand in hand
(she)it's 25$
(i thought)it's cheeper than japan!
(i said)here you are.
(she)do you have receit?
(i said)no, it's ok
(i handed tip to her)
(she)i appreciate.
(i thought)oh, i was right.
(i said)me too, thank you.
see you!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.28th
i went to hair salon today.
my hair is soooo soooo not special, lol
it's like every tom, dick and harry's hair. lol
that's it today,lol
so, i'll introduce the prase which i used in the store.
oh, bummer...
i forgot to do my hw.
i have to do right now.
but this hw is not tight.
so i can do that.
i forget what is my hw thought.
it's gonna be ok lol
●i learned [ショートカットにしてください]
→I would like to have it cut short.
(i said)oh, i'd like to have it cut short.
(i said)yeah, but dont cut too short, you know?
(she)ok. reach your eye blow?
(i said)that'd be great!
●i learned [how to pay tip]
→hand in hand
(she)it's 25$
(i thought)it's cheeper than japan!
(i said)here you are.
(she)do you have receit?
(i said)no, it's ok
(i handed tip to her)
(she)i appreciate.
(i thought)oh, i was right.
(i said)me too, thank you.
see you!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.27th
i spend today watching DVD named F・R・I・E・N・D・S

this is good studing English tool for me.
because there are a lot of srang, and real conversation.
i use a lot of prases by leaning from this dvd in conversation with my friends.
and use some joke form this.
when i was in japan,
i used to wached "full house"
friends is similar with it.
in this flow,
i'll introduce other tools.
plz check out this url
while i write this blog, i usualy listen to it.
because i like listening to Disney song.
futher more, these songs are all sung in english.
i'm sooo fun, i like it.
When yoou get right down,
1)if you learn english with being fun,
i recommend "F・R・I・E・N・D・S"
and this URL.
and check out Spotify on facebook.
2)if you learn to listen to english
i recommend you this URL
plz click some levels whichever you want.
3)if you want good pronunciation,
plz check it out.
when i find another english study tool,
i'll introduce it.
●i learned [もう終わり]
→it's over
(i can say)wow? are you gonna go to some party right?
(friend)it was over,,,,
(i can say)why?
(friend)it was too loud.
●i learned [work out]
→likes exercise.
(i said)hu-huh.
(friend)are you ok?
(i said)yeah, just out of shape.
(friend)you have to work out.
(i said)work out?
(friend)it means exercise.
see you!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.27th
i spend today watching DVD named F・R・I・E・N・D・S
this is good studing English tool for me.
because there are a lot of srang, and real conversation.
i use a lot of prases by leaning from this dvd in conversation with my friends.
and use some joke form this.
when i was in japan,
i used to wached "full house"
friends is similar with it.
in this flow,
i'll introduce other tools.
plz check out this url
while i write this blog, i usualy listen to it.
because i like listening to Disney song.
futher more, these songs are all sung in english.
i'm sooo fun, i like it.
When yoou get right down,
1)if you learn english with being fun,
i recommend "F・R・I・E・N・D・S"
and this URL.
and check out Spotify on facebook.
2)if you learn to listen to english
i recommend you this URL
plz click some levels whichever you want.
3)if you want good pronunciation,
plz check it out.
when i find another english study tool,
i'll introduce it.
●i learned [もう終わり]
→it's over
(i can say)wow? are you gonna go to some party right?
(friend)it was over,,,,
(i can say)why?
(friend)it was too loud.
●i learned [work out]
→likes exercise.
(i said)hu-huh.
(friend)are you ok?
(i said)yeah, just out of shape.
(friend)you have to work out.
(i said)work out?
(friend)it means exercise.
see you!!
talk with conversation partner
Hi, I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.26th
today i had good time with my conversation partner.
he is sooo smart.
today, i was teached about some pronunciation.
and talked about culture.
first, he fugured out my weak words to pronunce.
i have to practice,
l vs r
th(non voice)⇔th(voice)
it difficult for japanese to move tougue in front and hehind.
because there are no sound to move toungue such a moving.
i'll keep practicing.
and then,
we talked about the movie i introduced before.
but i wasn't able to discrive it well.
he teached me some grammer.
he is good at teaching.
i'm soo lucky.
at last, he said
"i'll bring timer next time."
i said, "why?"
he replayed,
"because you should talk more."
"today we've been talking for 2 and half hour"
"next time, i'll talk only one hour."
"you should more talk"
i thought again"i'm sooooo lucky"
i appriciate to meet him.
i cant wait next friday.
●i learned [sheesh]
{his example}
(mom)hey, did you do your hw?
(boy)no, i thought i'll do it from now.
(mom)do it quickly.
●i learned [subgective]
(i said)then, which country is comfortable for you?
(he said)i think it's japan.
(i said)oh, really? i tought you said your home country.
(he said)i dont really like my country's culture.
(he said)it's short histry and that's complex.
(he said)~~~~~~~~
(he said)~~~~~~~~
(he said)~~~~~~~~
(he said)but it's subgective.
(he said)i dont like my country's culture
(he said)but my sister likes my country's culture.
●i learned [grow and raise]
(he said)you cant say "grow up my child"
(he said)you should say "raise my child"
see you!!
,and today is Apr.26th
today i had good time with my conversation partner.
he is sooo smart.
today, i was teached about some pronunciation.
and talked about culture.
first, he fugured out my weak words to pronunce.
i have to practice,
l vs r
th(non voice)⇔th(voice)
it difficult for japanese to move tougue in front and hehind.
because there are no sound to move toungue such a moving.
i'll keep practicing.
and then,
we talked about the movie i introduced before.
but i wasn't able to discrive it well.
he teached me some grammer.
he is good at teaching.
i'm soo lucky.
at last, he said
"i'll bring timer next time."
i said, "why?"
he replayed,
"because you should talk more."
"today we've been talking for 2 and half hour"
"next time, i'll talk only one hour."
"you should more talk"
i thought again"i'm sooooo lucky"
i appriciate to meet him.
i cant wait next friday.
●i learned [sheesh]
{his example}
(mom)hey, did you do your hw?
(boy)no, i thought i'll do it from now.
(mom)do it quickly.
●i learned [subgective]
(i said)then, which country is comfortable for you?
(he said)i think it's japan.
(i said)oh, really? i tought you said your home country.
(he said)i dont really like my country's culture.
(he said)it's short histry and that's complex.
(he said)~~~~~~~~
(he said)~~~~~~~~
(he said)~~~~~~~~
(he said)but it's subgective.
(he said)i dont like my country's culture
(he said)but my sister likes my country's culture.
●i learned [grow and raise]
(he said)you cant say "grow up my child"
(he said)you should say "raise my child"
see you!!
today is Apr.25th
i have a headache now, rightnow.
i'll go to bed ealier than usual today.
today i talked to host mom about my new place to live.
i was alittle bit nervas.
but she said someday host fam will hold BBQ party.
and she suggested to me about seculity of new room.
and she'll take me to big home center to buy a key.
when i was doing my hw which read something i chosed,
my father sent me masagge about speech of stave jobs in Stanford.
the topic i chosed is that one!
and i've just been reading at that time.
i dont know why but a little bit i was glad.
●i learned [ストレス発散]
→stress released
→get rid of stress
(teacher)why sports are important for us?
(i said)because,,,,how can i say...stress..stress..
(i gestured)
(teacher)stress released?
(i said)oh, yes!!
(teacher)or you can say refresh or get rid of stress
(i said)thanks for teaching♪
●i learned [common prase]
→place to live
(i said)i was able to find my new house.
(teacher)you'll buy a house?
(i said)no, just room share.
(teacher)basicly student dont use new house.
(teacher)insted of it, you can use new place to live.
(i said)gotcha.
see you!!
today is Apr.25th
i have a headache now, rightnow.
i'll go to bed ealier than usual today.
today i talked to host mom about my new place to live.
i was alittle bit nervas.
but she said someday host fam will hold BBQ party.
and she suggested to me about seculity of new room.
and she'll take me to big home center to buy a key.
when i was doing my hw which read something i chosed,
my father sent me masagge about speech of stave jobs in Stanford.
the topic i chosed is that one!
and i've just been reading at that time.
i dont know why but a little bit i was glad.
●i learned [ストレス発散]
→stress released
→get rid of stress
(teacher)why sports are important for us?
(i said)because,,,,how can i say...stress..stress..
(i gestured)
(teacher)stress released?
(i said)oh, yes!!
(teacher)or you can say refresh or get rid of stress
(i said)thanks for teaching♪
●i learned [common prase]
→place to live
(i said)i was able to find my new house.
(teacher)you'll buy a house?
(i said)no, just room share.
(teacher)basicly student dont use new house.
(teacher)insted of it, you can use new place to live.
(i said)gotcha.
see you!!
Golden Gardens Park
i'm Daito
,and today is Apr.24th
today, it was very good weather in Seattle.
It was not often.
So, i went to Golden Gardens Park with my friend.
there are many beach volly ball coats.
mybe more than 10?

(i took a pic with my i phone)
sooo beautiful sea and sand.
especialy, sunset was really really beautiful.
but i couldn't speak well.
i have to try harder.
●i learned [苦手です]
→suck at
i always said "oh, i'm not good at ~ing"
but i feel a pain.
(i said)are you still on that?
(friend)uh, how about going outside?
(friend)because this week is fine!
(i said)what are we gonna do?
(friend)i have no idea.
(i said)i wanna playbadminton.
(friend)i suck at badminton.
(i thought)thank you new word.
●i learned [あるあるやね]
→it happens
(friend)i forget to do my hw.
(i thought)how can i say...
(i said)oh, really?
(i said)it's gonna be okey.
(i said)my responce is not funny.orz
●i learned [PREP]
(i said)what does PREP mean?
(friend)it means prepare.
(i thought)is it necessary to shorten it?
●new vocab[old aid]
(friend)do you know card game?
(i said)yes! porker, and......how can i say, lol
(friend)old aid?
(i said)what is it?
(friend)the game is.......
(i thought)i see. it means ばばぬき.
see you!!
i'm Daito
,and today is Apr.24th
today, it was very good weather in Seattle.
It was not often.
So, i went to Golden Gardens Park with my friend.
there are many beach volly ball coats.
(i took a pic with my i phone)
sooo beautiful sea and sand.
especialy, sunset was really really beautiful.
from behind us, there were good smell of BBQ.
it's awesome.
and i teached American card game.
it was fun!
but i couldn't speak well.
i have to try harder.
●i learned [苦手です]
→suck at
i always said "oh, i'm not good at ~ing"
but i feel a pain.
(i said)are you still on that?
(friend)uh, how about going outside?
(friend)because this week is fine!
(i said)what are we gonna do?
(friend)i have no idea.
(i said)i wanna playbadminton.
(friend)i suck at badminton.
(i thought)thank you new word.
●i learned [あるあるやね]
→it happens
(friend)i forget to do my hw.
(i thought)how can i say...
(i said)oh, really?
(i said)it's gonna be okey.
(i said)my responce is not funny.orz
●i learned [PREP]
(i said)what does PREP mean?
(friend)it means prepare.
(i thought)is it necessary to shorten it?
●new vocab[old aid]
(friend)do you know card game?
(i said)yes! porker, and......how can i say, lol
(friend)old aid?
(i said)what is it?
(friend)the game is.......
(i thought)i see. it means ばばぬき.
see you!!
sign a contract
Hi, I'm Daito
today is Apr.23th
i sign a contract my new place to live.
i wanna live there asap.
and i gave a presentation.
i was able to show my slide.
but the room cant conect wi-fi,
so, i was able to remote controle.
i estimete my presentation,
the score is 40 of 100.
i wasn't able to have eyecontact,
speak fluencly.
the woll of language is much biggere than ecpected.
i often say to me
"dont over estimate your english,
but it's gonna be okey. keep learing"
So, i wanna say something to you.
"keep learing""take your time"
i have much hw today, too!
●i learned [苦手です]
→suck at
i always said "oh, i'm not good at ~ing"
but i feel a pain.
(i said)are you still on that?
(friend)uh, how about going outside?
(friend)because this week is fine!
(i said)what are we gonna do?
(friend)i have no idea.
(i said)i wanna playbadminton.
(friend)i suck at badminton.
(i thought)thank you new word.
●i learned [あ〜あ(残念)]
(i said)i wasn't able to find frisbee.
(i said)because the building is soo huge!
(i said)what does bummer mean?
●i learned [最悪!]
→that sucks! or what a bummer!
●new vocab[augment]
see u!!
today is Apr.23th
i sign a contract my new place to live.
i wanna live there asap.
and i gave a presentation.
i was able to show my slide.
but the room cant conect wi-fi,
so, i was able to remote controle.
i estimete my presentation,
the score is 40 of 100.
i wasn't able to have eyecontact,
speak fluencly.
the woll of language is much biggere than ecpected.
i often say to me
"dont over estimate your english,
but it's gonna be okey. keep learing"
So, i wanna say something to you.
"keep learing""take your time"
i have much hw today, too!
●i learned [苦手です]
→suck at
i always said "oh, i'm not good at ~ing"
but i feel a pain.
(i said)are you still on that?
(friend)uh, how about going outside?
(friend)because this week is fine!
(i said)what are we gonna do?
(friend)i have no idea.
(i said)i wanna playbadminton.
(friend)i suck at badminton.
(i thought)thank you new word.
●i learned [あ〜あ(残念)]
(i said)i wasn't able to find frisbee.
(i said)because the building is soo huge!
(i said)what does bummer mean?
●i learned [最悪!]
→that sucks! or what a bummer!
●new vocab[augment]
see u!!
oh my gosh
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.22th
i saw my house where i was wondering if live in or not.
then, I decided!
I'll live there!
in the end,
I could find my new house.
i'm relieved.
after that,
i went to central liblary to attend "talk time" event.
this was soooo nice!
everyone is good at speaking english!
this is good practice for me!
i felt "today is parfectly good day" at that time.
after i got home,
i recieved my toeic score.
the score is ,,,,terrible then i had expected.
i thought i could get at least more than 650.
oh, my ,,,,,
i could get 80% of listening part,
but but, oh gosh....
why? why?
i figured out my reasing skill especially vocab is not terrible but horrible.
I'm so sorry mom.
toeic test is more expensive than japan.
i'll read an english book everday this month.
it's serious.....
i have to do that♪
hung in there!
●i learned [you burn the candle at both ends]
(her host dad)you look so tired.
(she)yeah, i have to do much my homework.
(her host dad)you burn the candle at both ends.
(she)what does it mean?
(her host dad)it means you work sooooooo hard.
●new vocab[compost]
(teacher)there are three waste containers.
(teacher)do you know that mean?
(friend)recycle, trash, compose.
(teacher)when you eat pizza.
(tacher)what should you do?
(i said)eat pizza. lol
(friend)exactly, lol
(teacher)after eating...
(teacher)you put the clear parper into recycle.
(teacher)you put the dirty parper plate into compose.
see you!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.22th
i saw my house where i was wondering if live in or not.
then, I decided!
I'll live there!
in the end,
I could find my new house.
i'm relieved.
after that,
i went to central liblary to attend "talk time" event.
this was soooo nice!
everyone is good at speaking english!
this is good practice for me!
i felt "today is parfectly good day" at that time.
after i got home,
i recieved my toeic score.
the score is ,,,,terrible then i had expected.
i thought i could get at least more than 650.
oh, my ,,,,,
i could get 80% of listening part,
but but, oh gosh....
why? why?
i figured out my reasing skill especially vocab is not terrible but horrible.
I'm so sorry mom.
toeic test is more expensive than japan.
i'll read an english book everday this month.
it's serious.....
i have to do that♪
hung in there!
●i learned [you burn the candle at both ends]
(her host dad)you look so tired.
(she)yeah, i have to do much my homework.
(her host dad)you burn the candle at both ends.
(she)what does it mean?
(her host dad)it means you work sooooooo hard.
●new vocab[compost]
(teacher)there are three waste containers.
(teacher)do you know that mean?
(friend)recycle, trash, compose.
(teacher)when you eat pizza.
(tacher)what should you do?
(i said)eat pizza. lol
(friend)exactly, lol
(teacher)after eating...
(teacher)you put the clear parper into recycle.
(teacher)you put the dirty parper plate into compose.
see you!!
first time to go to bellevue
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.21th
I appreciate to you for seeing my yesterday's article.
I'm soo glad that you saw my blog.
I'll back to my topic.
Two months have passed since i came here.
i was busy doing something this month.
i could get settled in only weekend.
but that is very happy thing.
because i can spend all day studing english!
i appreciate my environment.
today, i was off to bellevue with Maki.
She is one of the best friend in Seattle.
today's place is here!
Belluvue Square.
Big shopping mole.
then, i found the shop has a good taste.
this is an apple store!
sooo creative!
sooo cool!
i like it♪
have a good taste.
after that,
we went to a huge park of bellevue!
i wanted to lay on grass, but it was rain.
i wanna go there again!
and play badminton, or something.
at the park,
we found guys were walking around the park.
they were walking around park again and again and again and....lol
what did they want to do? lol
●i learned [yet]
→we can use it when we dont use "have/has"
(hostmam)did you watch the dvd yet?
(i said)oh,,, no...
(hostmom)oh? not yet?
(i thought)i should have said "not yet"
(i said)yeah, not yet.
●new vocab[opposite]
(teacher)what does broad mean?
(i said)it means big road!
(i said),,how can i say,,,
(i said)not narrow!
(teacher)opposite word of narrow.
(i thought)opposite....
see you!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.21th
I appreciate to you for seeing my yesterday's article.
I'm soo glad that you saw my blog.
I'll back to my topic.
Two months have passed since i came here.
i was busy doing something this month.
i could get settled in only weekend.
but that is very happy thing.
because i can spend all day studing english!
i appreciate my environment.
today, i was off to bellevue with Maki.
She is one of the best friend in Seattle.
today's place is here!
Belluvue Square.
Big shopping mole.
then, i found the shop has a good taste.
the shop is .....how can i say, lol
this is ....a shop of parper art!!
but there were a lot of stuff to make parper beautiful.
i wish i could buy.
but these were expensive.
this is an apple store!
sooo creative!
sooo cool!
i like it♪
have a good taste.
after that,
we went to a huge park of bellevue!
i wanted to lay on grass, but it was rain.
i wanna go there again!
and play badminton, or something.
at the park,
we found guys were walking around the park.
they were walking around park again and again and again and....lol
what did they want to do? lol
●i learned [yet]
→we can use it when we dont use "have/has"
(hostmam)did you watch the dvd yet?
(i said)oh,,, no...
(hostmom)oh? not yet?
(i thought)i should have said "not yet"
(i said)yeah, not yet.
●new vocab[opposite]
(teacher)what does broad mean?
(i said)it means big road!
(i said),,how can i say,,,
(i said)not narrow!
(teacher)opposite word of narrow.
(i thought)opposite....
see you!!
Real education of public school
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.20th
i'll write it in japanese.
今日conversation partnerに勧められた、

これをlemon danceと呼ばれたりするらしいのですが、
これはconversation partnerに教えてもらいました。
僕のconversation partnerがおしえてくれました。
see you!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.20th
i'll write it in japanese.
今日conversation partnerに勧められた、
これをlemon danceと呼ばれたりするらしいのですが、
これはconversation partnerに教えてもらいました。
僕のconversation partnerがおしえてくれました。
see you!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.19th
I've just paid for home stay fee to host mom.
that made me feel time flies.
I've paid for the fee three times,
it means two months have just past since i came here.
I'm getting feel my english is a little bit improved.
but i still have a long way to go!!
I'll keep at it.
I have a good experience to have a interview in english.
in my place,
it was sooo dificult.
after that,
i was talking with my conversation partner.
he want to be a teacher,
so, he is willing to teach me english!
I'm so lucky!
today i was learnd about pronunciation which japanese dont like.
for instance,
r vs l
s vs th
f vs h
i wish i could introduce it to you,
but it is sooooo dificult.
plz ask me when i get back to japan. lol
after that,
i had a dinner with my senior.
he is amazing!
because he stats some survice in Sattle with his friends.
i should have talked in english with him. lol
●i learned [good for you, that's good for you]
good for you
→well done, keep at it
that's good for you
→sounds good for you
(A)i successed my job
(B)good for you!
(A)I'll take part in this group
(B)oh, that's good for you!
●new vocab[bystander]
(i said)~~~~
(i said)~~~~~~
(friendA)hey B, dont be a bystander!
(i thought)i dont know this words mean....
see you!!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.19th
I've just paid for home stay fee to host mom.
that made me feel time flies.
I've paid for the fee three times,
it means two months have just past since i came here.
I'm getting feel my english is a little bit improved.
but i still have a long way to go!!
I'll keep at it.
I have a good experience to have a interview in english.
in my place,
it was sooo dificult.
after that,
i was talking with my conversation partner.
he want to be a teacher,
so, he is willing to teach me english!
I'm so lucky!
today i was learnd about pronunciation which japanese dont like.
for instance,
r vs l
s vs th
f vs h
i wish i could introduce it to you,
but it is sooooo dificult.
plz ask me when i get back to japan. lol
after that,
i had a dinner with my senior.
he is amazing!
because he stats some survice in Sattle with his friends.
i should have talked in english with him. lol
●i learned [good for you, that's good for you]
good for you
→well done, keep at it
that's good for you
→sounds good for you
(A)i successed my job
(B)good for you!
(A)I'll take part in this group
(B)oh, that's good for you!
●new vocab[bystander]
(i said)~~~~
(i said)~~~~~~
(friendA)hey B, dont be a bystander!
(i thought)i dont know this words mean....
see you!!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.18th
today i went conversation event
and thursday party.
in conversation event,
I tried to speak a long sentence.
but i couldnt make themself understood by my english.
but it was big step for me to improve my speaking skill!!
I'll keep at it!
in Thrsday party,
there ware a many American who teach english to Japanese.
further more,
they are very very kind!!
so, i had a good time because of them.
I'll introduce about today's learn.
I've just recieved a letter from my girlfriend.
the letter conclueded another massege from her best friend.
Thank you Ari,
Thank you Aichi,
●i learned [common phrase]
→I'm going to rest
"take a rest" isn't common.
American use "rest" as vorb not norn.
so, we can use rest as vorb.
you had better use I'll rest or I'm gonna rest.
●i learned [how to stress]
you don't say "i have a little vocabulary"
you had better say "i have a small vocabulary"
vocabulary is not many or a little,
but big or small.
i didn't know that!!!
●i learned [the difference between selfish and greedy]
→selfish means dont wanna give anything that i have to someone.
→greedy means please more stuff, more, more, and more!!!
I recommend you keep this article.
because our teacher doesnt teach us such a thing.
see you!!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.18th
today i went conversation event
and thursday party.
in conversation event,
I tried to speak a long sentence.
but i couldnt make themself understood by my english.
but it was big step for me to improve my speaking skill!!
I'll keep at it!
in Thrsday party,
there ware a many American who teach english to Japanese.
further more,
they are very very kind!!
so, i had a good time because of them.
I'll introduce about today's learn.
I've just recieved a letter from my girlfriend.
the letter conclueded another massege from her best friend.
Thank you Ari,
Thank you Aichi,
●i learned [common phrase]
→I'm going to rest
"take a rest" isn't common.
American use "rest" as vorb not norn.
so, we can use rest as vorb.
you had better use I'll rest or I'm gonna rest.
●i learned [how to stress]
you don't say "i have a little vocabulary"
you had better say "i have a small vocabulary"
vocabulary is not many or a little,
but big or small.
i didn't know that!!!
●i learned [the difference between selfish and greedy]
→selfish means dont wanna give anything that i have to someone.
→greedy means please more stuff, more, more, and more!!!
I recommend you keep this article.
because our teacher doesnt teach us such a thing.
see you!!!
The shipment from my family
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.17th
today, I've recieved the shipment from my family.
The shipment inclueds a lot of stuff,
Japanese alcohol,
Japanese manzyuu,
Japanese snacks,
a lot of tissue,
a lot of pens,
a lot of files,
a lot of papers,
and the letter from my sister.
She dicided her direction.
and try to go out of japan.
at last,
she encouraged me with her pure english.
i'm always glad to recieve some letter.
but the letter is the most be moved me.
because I'm worried about my sister and my brother.
my sister dicided her direction by her self,
it makes me soooo happy.
and my mom,
she alway worries about me,
i cant believe this amont of shipment, lol
but i'm moved.
because i figured out she cares of me.
and my dad,
when i wrote about privent me from taking class,
he sent a messeage to me at first.
my mom said he reads my blog everyday.
and my biggest worried borother.
he sent me a messeage "i reach 160cm"
that's it.
but i'm glad to send me messeage.
because it was not his thing, he is very shy.
thank you my family,
thank to you, i've been keeping at it.
I appreciate to my fam as well as my girl friend.
she is alway supporting me.
and her best friend named "aichi"
she always cares of her.
if she didn't be japan, i might not be able to come here.
i really really miss you guys.
but i dont say anymore.
because i feel the word makes me weak, not strong.
so, i said it only today.
Thank you.
●i learned[common mistakes]
→bollow, lend
can you bollow me your dictionaly?
may i bollow your dictionaly?
can you lend me your dictionaly?
this prese makes you a little bit comfuse.
see you!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.17th
today, I've recieved the shipment from my family.
The shipment inclueds a lot of stuff,
Japanese alcohol,
Japanese manzyuu,
Japanese snacks,
a lot of tissue,
a lot of pens,
a lot of files,
a lot of papers,
and the letter from my sister.
She dicided her direction.
and try to go out of japan.
at last,
she encouraged me with her pure english.
i'm always glad to recieve some letter.
but the letter is the most be moved me.
because I'm worried about my sister and my brother.
my sister dicided her direction by her self,
it makes me soooo happy.
and my mom,
she alway worries about me,
i cant believe this amont of shipment, lol
but i'm moved.
because i figured out she cares of me.
and my dad,
when i wrote about privent me from taking class,
he sent a messeage to me at first.
my mom said he reads my blog everyday.
and my biggest worried borother.
he sent me a messeage "i reach 160cm"
that's it.
but i'm glad to send me messeage.
because it was not his thing, he is very shy.
thank you my family,
thank to you, i've been keeping at it.
I appreciate to my fam as well as my girl friend.
she is alway supporting me.
and her best friend named "aichi"
she always cares of her.
if she didn't be japan, i might not be able to come here.
i really really miss you guys.
but i dont say anymore.
because i feel the word makes me weak, not strong.
so, i said it only today.
Thank you.
●i learned[common mistakes]
→bollow, lend
can you bollow me your dictionaly?
may i bollow your dictionaly?
can you lend me your dictionaly?
this prese makes you a little bit comfuse.
see you!!
put off my plan
I'm Daito
today is Apr.16th
today, i was gonna give a presentation,
but my teacher changed her mind,
we have to do next Thu.
I had been honing,lol
and i was suffaring from having a stomachache.
i had thught today was badday,
but i could speak english speedy, today.
so, today is not bad, not good day, lol
●i learned[I've been honing]
(i just wrote)
today, i was gonna give a presentation,
but my teacher changed her mind,
we have to do next Thu.
I had been honing,lol
●i learned [something like that]
{someone is calling someone by phone}
(someone)yeah, , ,yeah,
(someone)yeah, i mean it is ridiculous for me to get $%#%$#$#
(someone)yeah, yeah, something like that.
(i thought)i could catch it!!!!
●i learned the difference between [end up~ and get settled in]
[end up doing]
i was debeting A or B
but i end up (with) doing C.
[get settled in]
1)hey! calm down!
did you get settled in?
2)please call me if you get settled in.
●i learned [my mistake]
→many kind of
correct answer is many kinds of.
From now on, i'll pay attention it especially in speaking.
see you!!
I'm Daito
today is Apr.16th
today, i was gonna give a presentation,
but my teacher changed her mind,
we have to do next Thu.
I had been honing,lol
and i was suffaring from having a stomachache.
i had thught today was badday,
but i could speak english speedy, today.
so, today is not bad, not good day, lol
●i learned[I've been honing]
(i just wrote)
today, i was gonna give a presentation,
but my teacher changed her mind,
we have to do next Thu.
I had been honing,lol
●i learned [something like that]
{someone is calling someone by phone}
(someone)yeah, , ,yeah,
(someone)yeah, i mean it is ridiculous for me to get $%#%$#$#
(someone)yeah, yeah, something like that.
(i thought)i could catch it!!!!
●i learned the difference between [end up~ and get settled in]
[end up doing]
i was debeting A or B
but i end up (with) doing C.
[get settled in]
1)hey! calm down!
did you get settled in?
2)please call me if you get settled in.
●i learned [my mistake]
→many kind of
correct answer is many kinds of.
From now on, i'll pay attention it especially in speaking.
see you!!
I'm looking for house
today is Apr.15th
i was wondering
i leave here by June
and i live in dorms from June.
in summer dorm closes,
only 2 dorms will be remaind.
but these dorms too expensive.
so, I'll live in dorms from Sep.
i'll stay Youth Hostel from June to Sep.
but it is impossible to stay for long time in summer.
but i have to leave here at least July.
so, I'm looking for house.
after all,
i called the parson who look for roomy.
and i'll go there once.
after that, if i like it, i'll live in there from July to Oug(?)
i was nervas!
but it must be good experience for me!
today, i went to class which i told before.
in this class,
(teacher)what's this?
(student)this is a pen!
i thought it was redicurus,
why i learned it?
i didn't think took such a ridicurus class in U.S
so, i'll go another event at downtown.
i never go there.
●i learned[more common]
when you write essei, you want your teacher to indicate your wrong sentence.
you should use proofread.
but except that, you usually use correct.
Please proofread, if my essei is wrong.
Please correct, if i use wrong phrese.
●i learned [20something]
(friend)how old are you?
(friend)just kidding, how old?
(friend maybe thought)omg
see you!!!!
today is Apr.15th
i was wondering
i leave here by June
and i live in dorms from June.
in summer dorm closes,
only 2 dorms will be remaind.
but these dorms too expensive.
so, I'll live in dorms from Sep.
i'll stay Youth Hostel from June to Sep.
but it is impossible to stay for long time in summer.
but i have to leave here at least July.
so, I'm looking for house.
after all,
i called the parson who look for roomy.
and i'll go there once.
after that, if i like it, i'll live in there from July to Oug(?)
i was nervas!
but it must be good experience for me!
today, i went to class which i told before.
in this class,
(teacher)what's this?
(student)this is a pen!
i thought it was redicurus,
why i learned it?
i didn't think took such a ridicurus class in U.S
so, i'll go another event at downtown.
i never go there.
●i learned[more common]
when you write essei, you want your teacher to indicate your wrong sentence.
you should use proofread.
but except that, you usually use correct.
Please proofread, if my essei is wrong.
Please correct, if i use wrong phrese.
●i learned [20something]
(friend)how old are you?
(friend)just kidding, how old?
(friend maybe thought)omg
see you!!!!
meet with senior
today is Apr.14th
i met our senior who is same program of me.
and after that, i had a dinner with another senior.
it was good time,
but i dont wanna speak Japanese anymore for a while.
hey, i havn't done my homework yet!!
it's terrible.
i gatta do that now,
so, i cant write it too much, lol
i've just watched TV program named"amazing rece"
it was sooo fun.
i cant compreatly understand,
but interesting.
this program is racing some country.
they'll finish thier task, and they recieve next task.
totally, the team who reach final point firster than any team will win.
●i learned[i do a faver]
(i'll say)i dont do my homework..
(i'll say)can you show me your homework.
(friend)come on! no, i cant!
(friend)teacher said you do no copy other parson's homework.
(i'll say)i know, but....
(i'll say)i do a faver!!!
no, i have to do that right now lol
●i learned [you are way off]
(teacher)let's play game.
(teacher)write 3 words about your self.and make partner.
(teacher)let's guess the words mean each other.
(i said)the word means...your age!!!
(friens)you're way off!!!
(friend)I'm 25! not 30!
(i said)i know, just kidding haha
(i thought)really? i made a big mistake, omg
see you!!!
today is Apr.14th
i met our senior who is same program of me.
and after that, i had a dinner with another senior.
it was good time,
but i dont wanna speak Japanese anymore for a while.
hey, i havn't done my homework yet!!
it's terrible.
i gatta do that now,
so, i cant write it too much, lol
i've just watched TV program named"amazing rece"
it was sooo fun.
i cant compreatly understand,
but interesting.
this program is racing some country.
they'll finish thier task, and they recieve next task.
totally, the team who reach final point firster than any team will win.
●i learned[i do a faver]
(i'll say)i dont do my homework..
(i'll say)can you show me your homework.
(friend)come on! no, i cant!
(friend)teacher said you do no copy other parson's homework.
(i'll say)i know, but....
(i'll say)i do a faver!!!
no, i have to do that right now lol
●i learned [you are way off]
(teacher)let's play game.
(teacher)write 3 words about your self.and make partner.
(teacher)let's guess the words mean each other.
(i said)the word means...your age!!!
(friens)you're way off!!!
(friend)I'm 25! not 30!
(i said)i know, just kidding haha
(i thought)really? i made a big mistake, omg
see you!!!
Happy weekend
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.13th
I waked up at 6:00am,
and took a test for toeic.
i think i got nice score.
but don't expect too much♪
maybe about 650~750 point?
but don't overestimate♪
after the test, i hanged out with my friend Kelsi.
we went to one of the most famous place in Seattle, Space needle.
●i learned[catch 22]
(friend)my apartment is sooo expensive.
(i said)do you work at somewhere?
(i said)part-time?
(friend)no, i dont like working at farst food store,
(friend)but it necessary to experience to work at department.
(friend)i have no especially experience
(friend)it's a catch 22.
(i said)huh? catch 22? what does it mean?
●i learned [How has your day been(so far)]
(i said)Hi, I'm Daito nice to meet u.
(Con-Par)nice to meet u too.(conversation-partner)
(Con-Par)How's your day been so far?
(i said)uh-huh?
(Con-Par)How's your day been so far?
(i said)this means similar with How's going?
●new vocab [vague]
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.13th
I waked up at 6:00am,
and took a test for toeic.
i think i got nice score.
but don't expect too much♪
maybe about 650~750 point?
but don't overestimate♪
after the test, i hanged out with my friend Kelsi.
we went to one of the most famous place in Seattle, Space needle.
what a tall building this is!
The view,
great view,
this is the city of Seattle.
after that, we had a dinner at the restrant where her recommend.
it was sooo dericious!!
Thank you for good time, Kelsi.
we have a plan to play some video game next time.
she teachs me a lot of things about english, culture, and edcation.
she is my good friend. thank you!
today's last happy thing is my sister won some game in japan.
she became the top of junior diver.
that's amazing.
(wrong spell maybe)
●i learned[catch 22]
(friend)my apartment is sooo expensive.
(i said)do you work at somewhere?
(i said)part-time?
(friend)no, i dont like working at farst food store,
(friend)but it necessary to experience to work at department.
(friend)i have no especially experience
(friend)it's a catch 22.
(i said)huh? catch 22? what does it mean?
●i learned [How has your day been(so far)]
(i said)Hi, I'm Daito nice to meet u.
(Con-Par)nice to meet u too.(conversation-partner)
(Con-Par)How's your day been so far?
(i said)uh-huh?
(Con-Par)How's your day been so far?
(i said)this means similar with How's going?
●new vocab [vague]
see you!!
i'm worried about you
Earth quake occursed in Japan today,
●i learned[a vague prase]
→something like that
→~~~~and stuff
→it's kinda like
(friend)what are u do in your free time.
(i can say)let's see,,,,i usualy read a book and stuff.
(i can say)let's see,,,,i usualy watch some dvd.
(i can say)some kinda thing,,you know,
●i learned [Tom, Jack and Harry]
→it means every one
→combentional parson
(friend)it's impossible!!!
(i can say)every Tom, Jack and Harry cant do that,
(i can say)but i can do that
●i learned [安心した!!!]
→I'm relieved
(i said)did you do homework?
(friend)of cause!!!
(friend)today, it is deadline isnt it?
(i said)really!? i thought it was by monday!!
(freind)you'll die.
(i said)come on, help me.
(i said)do me a faver!!
(i said)hey teacher!!
(i said)today is deadline of homework?
(teacher)no, by monday
(i said)hey, you gotta buy me lunch,
(friend)i'm just kidding, sorry.
(i said)you know??
(i thought)how can i say
(i thought)most american doesnt like foreign says "god"
see you!!!!
are you allright?
frtunately, my family and my girlfriend are fine.
how about my friends?
i was sooo surprised.
i was sooo surprised.
i wish nobady wouldn't be injured.
today is Apr.12th
today i met my conversation partner.
he is very funny, and a little bit weird in a good way.
He told me about the difference of education system between U.S and Japan.
i was going to grow up my child in US,
but i canged my mind.
it was sooo good time to talk with him.
he is very serious like me, lol
so, we can talk about many kinda things.
I'm lucky!
but his english is soooo fast,lol
i couldn't understand his english about only50%.
but it is good practice to listen to english.
so, I'm luckey!
I'm gonna hung out with Kelty,
and have a dinner.
she is my good english teacher and good friend.
i cant wait!
i wish the weather would fine tomorrow!!
before that, i gotta take a test for toeic.
so, i'll get sleep early today.
●i learned[a vague prase]
→something like that
→~~~~and stuff
→it's kinda like
(friend)what are u do in your free time.
(i can say)let's see,,,,i usualy read a book and stuff.
(i can say)let's see,,,,i usualy watch some dvd.
(i can say)some kinda thing,,you know,
●i learned [Tom, Jack and Harry]
→it means every one
→combentional parson
(friend)it's impossible!!!
(i can say)every Tom, Jack and Harry cant do that,
(i can say)but i can do that
●i learned [安心した!!!]
→I'm relieved
(i said)did you do homework?
(friend)of cause!!!
(friend)today, it is deadline isnt it?
(i said)really!? i thought it was by monday!!
(freind)you'll die.
(i said)come on, help me.
(i said)do me a faver!!
(i said)hey teacher!!
(i said)today is deadline of homework?
(teacher)no, by monday
(i said)hey, you gotta buy me lunch,
(friend)i'm just kidding, sorry.
(i said)you know??
(i thought)how can i say
(i thought)most american doesnt like foreign says "god"
see you!!!!
make me better
today is Apr.11th
I went to housing office,
I grabed lunch with my American friend, Cory
I atended the conversation group,
and went bowling with Cory and two Japanese.
it was many opportunity to speak and listen to English.
So, I was depressd by my poor english.
because all of them i talked with today can speak english very well and clerly.
more than that, i couldn't listen what friends said.
hung in there, me!!! lol
today is my first day i disappointed to me.
So, today is necessary for me.
because i can try it more and more.
●i learned[how to use "worry"]
→I worry about you
→I'm worried about you
●i learned [more common phrease]
→What's up>What's going on>what's with you
→American doesn't say "domitory", they say "dorms"
●i learned [おしい!]
(cory)oh my gosh!!
(friend)it's close
(i thought)maybe it means....
see you!!!
I'm gonna meet with my conversation partner tomorrow
today is Apr.11th
I went to housing office,
I grabed lunch with my American friend, Cory
I atended the conversation group,
and went bowling with Cory and two Japanese.
it was many opportunity to speak and listen to English.
So, I was depressd by my poor english.
because all of them i talked with today can speak english very well and clerly.
more than that, i couldn't listen what friends said.
hung in there, me!!! lol
today is my first day i disappointed to me.
So, today is necessary for me.
because i can try it more and more.
●i learned[how to use "worry"]
→I worry about you
→I'm worried about you
●i learned [more common phrease]
→What's up>What's going on>what's with you
→American doesn't say "domitory", they say "dorms"
●i learned [おしい!]
(cory)oh my gosh!!
(friend)it's close
(i thought)maybe it means....
see you!!!
I'm gonna meet with my conversation partner tomorrow
i ended up managing my time
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.10
i recieved reply of complain mail.
i was thinking that's why my english level was poor.
but actually,
thay said your level is too high for our class.
so, i changed my mind.
i decided taking another program.
but, i dont have enough time.
because i have many homework,
i wanna meet my conversation partner,
i wanna participate in conversation event,
i wanna join the groupe,
i have to manage my time more than usual.
i found my conversation partner!
thank god!
and i have an interview of the group about bording member on next Friday.
i'll keep charenging!!
●i learned[Ms, Miss, Mrs]
(i sometimes confuse them)
single or married
=use it to someone who you don't know
it's usuful!!
=use it to single woman
=use it to married woman
●i learned [どっちでもいい]
→I could go either way
(i said)sorry, i have a plan on Friday!
(i said)what time am i supposed to be there?
(friend)i haven't decided time and place yet.lol
(friend)so, where is good for you?
(friend)around UW? or downtown?
(i said)i could go either way!
(i said)is it correct how to use it?
(i said)good for me~~~♪
●i learned [意味がわからん]
→go figure
i'll use it next time!
so, plz wait, lol
see you!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.10
i recieved reply of complain mail.
i was thinking that's why my english level was poor.
but actually,
thay said your level is too high for our class.
so, i changed my mind.
i decided taking another program.
but, i dont have enough time.
because i have many homework,
i wanna meet my conversation partner,
i wanna participate in conversation event,
i wanna join the groupe,
i have to manage my time more than usual.
i found my conversation partner!
thank god!
and i have an interview of the group about bording member on next Friday.
i'll keep charenging!!
●i learned[Ms, Miss, Mrs]
(i sometimes confuse them)
single or married
=use it to someone who you don't know
it's usuful!!
=use it to single woman
(how to remember)
→miss...miss you...feel lonely,lol
{Mrs}→miss...miss you...feel lonely,lol
=use it to married woman
●i learned [どっちでもいい]
→I could go either way
(i said)sorry, i have a plan on Friday!
(i said)what time am i supposed to be there?
(friend)i haven't decided time and place yet.lol
(friend)so, where is good for you?
(friend)around UW? or downtown?
(i said)i could go either way!
(i said)is it correct how to use it?
(i said)good for me~~~♪
●i learned [意味がわからん]
→go figure
i'll use it next time!
so, plz wait, lol
see you!!
i sent complain mail
today is Apr.9th
before for a while,
i recieved email from conversation class which i went on monday.
which i said my choice was right.
but i couldn't take the class.
so, i sent them comlaining mail.
because i cant understand why i'm not assepted!
how should they know my english level without talking with me!
if it's impossible to take the class,
what am I supposed to do?
i shouldn't have delaied eigo cafe..;;
it's ganna be okey.
if i cant't take the class,
i'll manage somehow.
●i learned[sounds, seems, looks]
i have no passion to write deeply today.
so, it's simple...
"it sounds like" = conclusion from hearing
"it looks like" = conclusion from seeing
"it seems like" = conclusion from either seeing or hearing, or from both.
●i learned [迷う]
→I'm debeting ~~~~
(friend)hey? where are you going?
(i said)to domitory.
(friend)can i go with you?
(i said)of couse!
(friend)why you'll go to domitory?
(i said)i'm debeting whether to live in there.
see you.
today is Apr.9th
before for a while,
i recieved email from conversation class which i went on monday.
which i said my choice was right.
but i couldn't take the class.
so, i sent them comlaining mail.
because i cant understand why i'm not assepted!
how should they know my english level without talking with me!
if it's impossible to take the class,
what am I supposed to do?
i shouldn't have delaied eigo cafe..;;
it's ganna be okey.
if i cant't take the class,
i'll manage somehow.
●i learned[sounds, seems, looks]
i have no passion to write deeply today.
so, it's simple...
"it sounds like" = conclusion from hearing
"it looks like" = conclusion from seeing
"it seems like" = conclusion from either seeing or hearing, or from both.
●i learned [迷う]
→I'm debeting ~~~~
(friend)hey? where are you going?
(i said)to domitory.
(friend)can i go with you?
(i said)of couse!
(friend)why you'll go to domitory?
(i said)i'm debeting whether to live in there.
see you.
English, English, English
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.8th
i went to central liblary to register English is Second Language Program,
named ESL.(maybe,,,lol)
i postphoned eigo cafe.
this program is conversation with native speaker.
both of them are good opportunity for me to improve my english skills.
but i chosed ESL.
because there are many Japanese who is same program of me in eigo cafe.
before going to ESL, i decided not going to eigo cafe.
so, i worried if ESL is good or not.
my decision was right!!!
very good opportunity!!
there are many foreiguner inclued me!
there are three Japanese,
but they doesn't matter of me!
so, i'm so happy!!
every day english, english, english, english,,,
but i'm so fun!!
because it's what i wanna do!!
i'm sure i can speak english well.
●i learned[contraction]
(i said)lol means laugh out loud light?
(i said)I'm interested in these words likes lol.
lmao = laugh my ass off
rofl = roll on floor laughing
wth = what the hell
wtf = what the fuck
btw = by the way
omg = oh my god
brb = be right back
ttyl = talk to you later
g2g = got to go
idk = i don't know
idc = i don't care
(friend)how many words you wanna know?
(i said)omg, everything!!
(i said)thank you!!!
●i learned [consentrate on]
(i said)what did u do last weekend?
(friend)i spent all day doing my homework at home.
(i said)all day???
(friend)yeah, i cant consentrate on it~~~
(i thought)thank you for new word!!!!!!!!
●i learned new word[間を選ぶ]
→I compromised between him and her.
●i learned new word[compliant]
(i thought it was complain?????)
see you!!!
I'm Daito
,and today is Apr.8th
i went to central liblary to register English is Second Language Program,
named ESL.(maybe,,,lol)
i postphoned eigo cafe.
this program is conversation with native speaker.
both of them are good opportunity for me to improve my english skills.
but i chosed ESL.
because there are many Japanese who is same program of me in eigo cafe.
before going to ESL, i decided not going to eigo cafe.
so, i worried if ESL is good or not.
my decision was right!!!
very good opportunity!!
there are many foreiguner inclued me!
there are three Japanese,
but they doesn't matter of me!
so, i'm so happy!!
every day english, english, english, english,,,
but i'm so fun!!
because it's what i wanna do!!
i'm sure i can speak english well.
●i learned[contraction]
(i said)lol means laugh out loud light?
(i said)I'm interested in these words likes lol.
lmao = laugh my ass off
rofl = roll on floor laughing
wth = what the hell
wtf = what the fuck
btw = by the way
omg = oh my god
brb = be right back
ttyl = talk to you later
g2g = got to go
idk = i don't know
idc = i don't care
(friend)how many words you wanna know?
(i said)omg, everything!!
(i said)thank you!!!
●i learned [consentrate on]
(i said)what did u do last weekend?
(friend)i spent all day doing my homework at home.
(i said)all day???
(friend)yeah, i cant consentrate on it~~~
(i thought)thank you for new word!!!!!!!!
●i learned new word[間を選ぶ]
→I compromised between him and her.
●i learned new word[compliant]
(i thought it was complain?????)
see you!!!
next week will begin....
I'm Daito!!
today is Apr.7th
i was gonna call on Skype,
but i over slept...
I'm so sorry...
i aweked at 9am.
i went to bed at 11:50pm.
that is just excuse....lol
i went to central library to make a library card and to ask some thing.
i'm getting used to asking to someone.
from tommorow,
i usually get back to home at 8:00pm. exsept Friday.
actually my class starts from tomorrow.
i'll hung in there!!
so, i have to manage my time.
●i learned[what's going on?]
similar words
what's up?
what's the matter with you?
this words are more common.
i think. lol
●i looked up [out of sorts]
●i learned new word[i wanna broaden my horizons]
my teacher teached me this words!
this words are common phrese.
see you!!!!
I'm Daito!!
today is Apr.7th
i was gonna call on Skype,
but i over slept...
I'm so sorry...
i aweked at 9am.
i went to bed at 11:50pm.
that is just excuse....lol
i went to central library to make a library card and to ask some thing.
i'm getting used to asking to someone.
from tommorow,
i usually get back to home at 8:00pm. exsept Friday.
actually my class starts from tomorrow.
i'll hung in there!!
so, i have to manage my time.
●i learned[what's going on?]
similar words
what's up?
what's the matter with you?
this words are more common.
i think. lol
●i looked up [out of sorts]
●i learned new word[i wanna broaden my horizons]
my teacher teached me this words!
this words are common phrese.
see you!!!!
good weekend
today is Apr.6th
today i spent all day being at home!!
mainly, watched DVD.
and partly did my homework! lol
i usualy listen to someone's conversation to improve my listening skill, and vocab.
today, i looked up these words which American often usu.
for exsample,
figure out
i guess
supposed to
i figured out these words!
so i'll introduce later!
i ventilated my room,
and varcumed my rug.
for some reason, i feel more good! lol
●i looked up[figure out]
in japan, this words mainly means "solve"
but here, this words means mainly "discover or understand"
I figured out i was wrong.
I figured out this book was so interesting.
I figured out you ware right.
but i dont have compleatly confidence.
plz review if you are interested in this words.
●i looked up [supposed to]
i'm supposed to be here tomorrow.
{common phrese}
What am I supposed to do?
●i learned new word[it says]
(i said)it's ture!
(teacher)why do you think so?
(i said)because there is.....how can i say...
(teacher)it says?
(i said)it says ~~~~~
see you!!!
today is Apr.6th
today i spent all day being at home!!
mainly, watched DVD.
and partly did my homework! lol
i usualy listen to someone's conversation to improve my listening skill, and vocab.
today, i looked up these words which American often usu.
for exsample,
figure out
i guess
supposed to
i figured out these words!
so i'll introduce later!
i ventilated my room,
and varcumed my rug.
for some reason, i feel more good! lol
●i looked up[figure out]
in japan, this words mainly means "solve"
but here, this words means mainly "discover or understand"
I figured out i was wrong.
I figured out this book was so interesting.
I figured out you ware right.
but i dont have compleatly confidence.
plz review if you are interested in this words.
●i looked up [supposed to]
i'm supposed to be here tomorrow.
{common phrese}
What am I supposed to do?
●i learned new word[it says]
(i said)it's ture!
(teacher)why do you think so?
(i said)because there is.....how can i say...
(teacher)it says?
(i said)it says ~~~~~
see you!!!
first week finished!!
I'm Daito!
today is Apr.5th
one week has passed since started my campus life in UW.
so, i review my class.
this class is a little bit hard.
our teacher makes us do much homework.
but this is very good class.
our homework is recording our speech, or somethg.
and sending it to my teacher.
then, teacher will cheack our pronunciation,
and find our weakpoint.
it is good practice for me to speak.
this class is mainly have a conversation.
this class is so fun!!
but we dont really listen to CD.
is it okey???lol
at first, i thought this class was a cr○p...lol
but teacher is very kind,
and familier with me!!
but i have to teach new vocablary other students on monday.
this is good opportunity!!
this class's teacher is very fun, and cute! lol
she is a little bit childish,,,lol
so, i can talk with her about not big deal.
and this class is very usuful.
today, i learned "formal" "informal" writng.
i'll introduce it later!!
presentation class,
this class's not started yet.
today is Friday!!
I'm happy!!!
but i have to do homework, and review vocablary.
because i'm gonna be a teacher only monday♪
and my sister sent me messeages!!
she's been keeping at it!!
I'll support her!!
have nice life!!!
at last,
it is good for us to do what our want.
●i learned [formal letter]
Dear Sir
I would appreciate it if you could.....
I look forward to hearing from you.
●i learned [in formal letter]
Thank you for your last letter....
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
●i learned new word[xoxo]
→x means hug, o means kiss
mainly you use it in letter to your girl/boy friend.
see you!!
have a good weekend!!
I'm Daito!
today is Apr.5th
one week has passed since started my campus life in UW.
so, i review my class.
this class is a little bit hard.
our teacher makes us do much homework.
but this is very good class.
our homework is recording our speech, or somethg.
and sending it to my teacher.
then, teacher will cheack our pronunciation,
and find our weakpoint.
it is good practice for me to speak.
this class is mainly have a conversation.
this class is so fun!!
but we dont really listen to CD.
is it okey???lol
at first, i thought this class was a cr○p...lol
but teacher is very kind,
and familier with me!!
but i have to teach new vocablary other students on monday.
this is good opportunity!!
this class's teacher is very fun, and cute! lol
she is a little bit childish,,,lol
so, i can talk with her about not big deal.
and this class is very usuful.
today, i learned "formal" "informal" writng.
i'll introduce it later!!
presentation class,
this class's not started yet.
today is Friday!!
I'm happy!!!
but i have to do homework, and review vocablary.
because i'm gonna be a teacher only monday♪
and my sister sent me messeages!!
she's been keeping at it!!
I'll support her!!
have nice life!!!
at last,
it is good for us to do what our want.
●i learned [formal letter]
Dear Sir
I would appreciate it if you could.....
I look forward to hearing from you.
●i learned [in formal letter]
Thank you for your last letter....
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
●i learned new word[xoxo]
→x means hug, o means kiss
mainly you use it in letter to your girl/boy friend.
see you!!
have a good weekend!!
good class, good friends, good opportunity
I'm Daito!
,and today is Apr.4th
I'm sorry I'm late.....
I was going to the party!
i was so fun!
and i had good time.
because i talked with native american for ling time!
and i made friends with many people!!
I dont really like a party,
but this party's purpose is improving your english skills.
so, i could enjoy it!!
and, this party is free!!!
bet there ware a lot of people.
i was a little bit tired...lol
i had a lunch with american who is my friend's conversation partoner.
and i've become her friend!
she is so kind,
and so fun!
she'll take me to space needle where is very famous in Seattle.
i'm looking forward to it!!
●i couldn't say [恩返し]
→give back to (some one)
●i learned [good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite]
→likes good night.
(i said)thanks for good time today!
(i said)today's conversation event is so fun!!
(he said)thanks for contacting me!
(he said)good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite
(i said)ok, good night!!!
●New vocablary [contraction]
i have to do home work now!!
so, good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!!lol
see you!!
I'm Daito!
,and today is Apr.4th
I'm sorry I'm late.....
I was going to the party!
i was so fun!
and i had good time.
because i talked with native american for ling time!
and i made friends with many people!!
I dont really like a party,
but this party's purpose is improving your english skills.
so, i could enjoy it!!
and, this party is free!!!
bet there ware a lot of people.
i was a little bit tired...lol
i had a lunch with american who is my friend's conversation partoner.
and i've become her friend!
she is so kind,
and so fun!
she'll take me to space needle where is very famous in Seattle.
i'm looking forward to it!!
●i couldn't say [恩返し]
→give back to (some one)
●i learned [good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite]
→likes good night.
(i said)thanks for good time today!
(i said)today's conversation event is so fun!!
(he said)thanks for contacting me!
(he said)good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite
(i said)ok, good night!!!
●New vocablary [contraction]
i have to do home work now!!
so, good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!!lol
see you!!
used to being student of UW
I'm Daito!
,and today is Apr3th
I'm getting be used to being student of UW.
so, i'm getting be abele to participate in my class.
exsample, speaking, joking, and so on.
but i cant understand compleatly,
for instanse some Korean says "pamily" insted of "family"
so, it's difficult, but they might be feel my english is wrong.
so, i think it is important to accept each ohter.
dont complain about environment!!!!
this is my learned!!
and i said it to me.
i wish i alway be a happy parson.
i wish i alway be a kind parson.
i wish i alway be a helpful parson.
it's important for me!!!
●i learned [i count on you]
(friend)sorry, i cant go there with you
(i said)why not?
(friend)i have a class to 17:20.
(i said)what's worng?
(friend)it opens untill 18:00.
(friend)i cant go there by 18:00
(i said)ok, i register by myself...
(friend)so, i count on you!!
(friend)plz tell me how to register.
(i thought)count on????
●i learned [it's on the tip of my tongue]
(i said)Hi!! How's going?
(i thought)oh, my god. what's the name of him...
(i thought)what to say in this case.....
(i thought)i'll google it later.
(i said)hey, how does spell your name?
(friend)A L G H
(i thought)oh my god, i cant read it!!
(i said)A L G H...
(friend)yeah, Algh
(i thought)that's right!!! it's coming to me now!!
(i said)o,o, okey!!
i'll go to the party which improve my english tomorrow!
so, if i update my dialy, i approgize to you....
but i'll do my best!!
see you!!
I'm Daito!
,and today is Apr3th
I'm getting be used to being student of UW.
so, i'm getting be abele to participate in my class.
exsample, speaking, joking, and so on.
but i cant understand compleatly,
for instanse some Korean says "pamily" insted of "family"
so, it's difficult, but they might be feel my english is wrong.
so, i think it is important to accept each ohter.
dont complain about environment!!!!
this is my learned!!
and i said it to me.
i wish i alway be a happy parson.
i wish i alway be a kind parson.
i wish i alway be a helpful parson.
it's important for me!!!
●i learned [i count on you]
(friend)sorry, i cant go there with you
(i said)why not?
(friend)i have a class to 17:20.
(i said)what's worng?
(friend)it opens untill 18:00.
(friend)i cant go there by 18:00
(i said)ok, i register by myself...
(friend)so, i count on you!!
(friend)plz tell me how to register.
(i thought)count on????
●i learned [it's on the tip of my tongue]
(i said)Hi!! How's going?
(i thought)oh, my god. what's the name of him...
(i thought)what to say in this case.....
(i thought)i'll google it later.
(i said)hey, how does spell your name?
(friend)A L G H
(i thought)oh my god, i cant read it!!
(i said)A L G H...
(friend)yeah, Algh
(i thought)that's right!!! it's coming to me now!!
(i said)o,o, okey!!
i'll go to the party which improve my english tomorrow!
so, if i update my dialy, i approgize to you....
but i'll do my best!!
see you!!
It's my plan!!
I'm Daito!
today is Apr.2th
my class and plan is dicided.
leave home at 9:00
*break time for one hour
(i have to do pronun's homework this time)
*break time for one hour
(i have to do listening's homework this time)
*16:30~18:00(conversation event)
(Mon,Wed,Thr, only)
go back to home at 19:00
*dinner ~20:00
*do homework~22:00
*wathch DVD~23:30
*write dialy~24:00
this is my plan dring 1st session!!
I'm sure i'll able to speak english soon,
because i sutdy english hard like that!!
I'll keep at it!!
today's calss is only introduce my self each other all day.
i have to remember friend's name...
Alex, Joung won, kei lung, kethy, ahmed, hane, ail, sum,,,,
i confused....
but i'm so glad be friends of many kinda people!!
●i wasn't able to answer [just it?]
(selse woman)Hi,
(i said)Hi,
(selse woman)For here? or To go?
(i said)For here.
(selse woman)just it?
(i thought)what???
(i said)excuse me?
(selse woman)just it?
(i thought)plz! speak! slowly!!!
(selse woman)you want something else?
(i said)oh, no, no thank you.
(selse woman)it's 5.35$
(i said)ok
●New vocablary [confidence]
●New vocablary [except]
i gonna attend my favorite event tomorrow!
conversation event, and ....i forgot the name. lol
see you!!!
I'm Daito!
today is Apr.2th
my class and plan is dicided.
leave home at 9:00
*break time for one hour
(i have to do pronun's homework this time)
*break time for one hour
(i have to do listening's homework this time)
*16:30~18:00(conversation event)
(Mon,Wed,Thr, only)
go back to home at 19:00
*dinner ~20:00
*do homework~22:00
*wathch DVD~23:30
*write dialy~24:00
this is my plan dring 1st session!!
I'm sure i'll able to speak english soon,
because i sutdy english hard like that!!
I'll keep at it!!
today's calss is only introduce my self each other all day.
i have to remember friend's name...
Alex, Joung won, kei lung, kethy, ahmed, hane, ail, sum,,,,
i confused....
but i'm so glad be friends of many kinda people!!
●i wasn't able to answer [just it?]
(selse woman)Hi,
(i said)Hi,
(selse woman)For here? or To go?
(i said)For here.
(selse woman)just it?
(i thought)what???
(i said)excuse me?
(selse woman)just it?
(i thought)plz! speak! slowly!!!
(selse woman)you want something else?
(i said)oh, no, no thank you.
(selse woman)it's 5.35$
(i said)ok
●New vocablary [confidence]
●New vocablary [except]
i gonna attend my favorite event tomorrow!
conversation event, and ....i forgot the name. lol
see you!!!
Strat UW life!!
I'm Daito!!
today is Apr.1th
it starts my UW school life from today!!
I have 5classes.
1) pronunciation
2) listening
3) reading
4) writing
5) presentation
and i've found some events.
so, i'm about to get be more busy than before.
but i have one problem.
that is.....
the books is expensive!!!
i payed 70$ for pronunciation's book.
only one book!!!
can you believe it????
sorry mom,dad.
Is the cost inclueded to my study abroad's cost??
I'll ask it to my agents.
●i learned [都合が悪い]
→i have a conflict
(agent)ok, then you can come our office on friday!
(i said)hey, i'll go to the ICC's office on friday.
(i said)i know you have a party that day,
(i said)but ICC has a conflict, so,,,, sorry.
(i said)what do you say?
(friend)party starts at 10pm!
(friend)so, it's ok!!
●i learned [面白半分]
→just for the hell of it.
(i said)i explored around here yesterday!
(friend)oh, why?
(i said)why..why?
(friend)you came here one month ago, right?
(friend)you've been here a lot of times, right?
(i said)oh, i see. it's...just for the hell of it!
(i said)no reason!!!
●New vocablary [混乱する]
this word is used many times....
sorry, i confused...
oh,,,I'm confusing...
●New vocablary [我慢]
Have patience!
i lost my patience...
my friend sent me a great messeage!
i'm glad to see it!
thank you!
and keep at it!!
we'll do our best each other♪
see you!!!
I'm Daito!!
today is Apr.1th
it starts my UW school life from today!!
I have 5classes.
1) pronunciation
2) listening
3) reading
4) writing
5) presentation
and i've found some events.
so, i'm about to get be more busy than before.
but i have one problem.
that is.....
the books is expensive!!!
i payed 70$ for pronunciation's book.
only one book!!!
can you believe it????
sorry mom,dad.
Is the cost inclueded to my study abroad's cost??
I'll ask it to my agents.
●i learned [都合が悪い]
→i have a conflict
(agent)ok, then you can come our office on friday!
(i said)hey, i'll go to the ICC's office on friday.
(i said)i know you have a party that day,
(i said)but ICC has a conflict, so,,,, sorry.
(i said)what do you say?
(friend)party starts at 10pm!
(friend)so, it's ok!!
●i learned [面白半分]
→just for the hell of it.
(i said)i explored around here yesterday!
(friend)oh, why?
(i said)why..why?
(friend)you came here one month ago, right?
(friend)you've been here a lot of times, right?
(i said)oh, i see. it's...just for the hell of it!
(i said)no reason!!!
●New vocablary [混乱する]
this word is used many times....
sorry, i confused...
oh,,,I'm confusing...
●New vocablary [我慢]
Have patience!
i lost my patience...
my friend sent me a great messeage!
i'm glad to see it!
thank you!
and keep at it!!
we'll do our best each other♪
see you!!!
Happy Easter day.
today is Mar.31th.
today is Easter day.
do you know easter day?
have you ever done "looking for eggs game"?
it's today's game!!
so, i had a very big donner today!
host mom was preparing the dinner all day.
host dad was cleaning this house all day.
today is especially holiday!!
i was watching DVD all day,
i was reading "best avenue"some thimes.
i was listening to the sound of TOEIC.
because i wake up at 10am.
dinnere starts at around5pm.
if i go to down town, i have no time to be relax.
if i go to down town, i cant practice pronunciation.
so, i was in home all day.
school starts from tommorow!!
i'll keep at it!
●i learned [どう?]
→what do you say?
(i said)can i ask for something?
(i said)plz become my conversation partner!
(friend)oh? what shold i do?
(i said)i want u to contact to me on Facebook.
(i said)yes!!
(i said)what do you say?
●i learned [Split it?]
(i said)come on! it's my favorite food!!
(friend)sorry, it's gone...
(i said)wait!wait!wait! really?
(friend)split it?
(i smiled)sure!!!!!!!!!
●New vocablary [atmosphere]
see you!!
today is Mar.31th.
today is Easter day.
do you know easter day?
have you ever done "looking for eggs game"?
it's today's game!!
so, i had a very big donner today!
host mom was preparing the dinner all day.
host dad was cleaning this house all day.
today is especially holiday!!
i was watching DVD all day,
i was reading "best avenue"some thimes.
i was listening to the sound of TOEIC.
because i wake up at 10am.
dinnere starts at around5pm.
if i go to down town, i have no time to be relax.
if i go to down town, i cant practice pronunciation.
so, i was in home all day.
school starts from tommorow!!
i'll keep at it!
●i learned [どう?]
→what do you say?
(i said)can i ask for something?
(i said)plz become my conversation partner!
(friend)oh? what shold i do?
(i said)i want u to contact to me on Facebook.
(i said)yes!!
(i said)what do you say?
●i learned [Split it?]
(i said)come on! it's my favorite food!!
(friend)sorry, it's gone...
(i said)wait!wait!wait! really?
(friend)split it?
(i smiled)sure!!!!!!!!!
●New vocablary [atmosphere]
see you!!
投稿 (Atom)