I'm Daito
and today is July 25th
As of today,
my all design class are over.
i learned a lot from the class.
first of all,
i got inspiration by classmates and the class
cuz every time we had to think 3 creative advertisings.
now that i think about it,
i made 15 campaigns.
and there are 15 people include me...
so i saw 275 campaigns.
i got much inspirations.
second of all,
i had to be predicamentally situation
cuz i'm only foreigner but i have to communicate with native speaker.
i felt my english skills got improving.
it means i can have a confidence about english.
but i still a long way to go.....
third of all,
i got know the people who live in us are able to accept other person.
it means they are sooo kind even though i can't understand we cant communicate.
fourth of all,
i knew i could fight on the world.
my thinking skill is so much higher than i expected.
i can have a confidence of my brain.
thank you my brain.
at last,
i love creative thinking!
i love technical things!
i love conveying what i wanna say to as many people as possible.
i love working!
i love using computer!
i love design!
i want to say it at least,
if i couldn't take these classes,
i couldn't experienced like this,
that's why my dream is giving back to you,
and giving my child the afford of doing what he/she wants.
and today,
i visited other company,
but i'll write it tomorrow
cuz today's article is already long, lol
●i learned [ride on coon tail]
coon tail means ビジネススーツの尾
ride on のる
it means ばりばり働いている人の後ろにのって、
●i learned [destination]
{usually it's used with one's}
this is our destination.
i arrived my destination.
see ya!
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