I'm Daito
and today is Sep 3rd.
today i was gonna attend some meet-up event,
but i didn't go cuz i felt tooo sleepy to go there.
yesterday, i went to bed at 4am,
that's why i couldn't wake up.
this is my excuse.
but i could analysis my website's data.
i can learn a lot from this.
now that i happened to think it,
i sometimes confuse the spell of dataデータ, and dateデート, date日付.
i said it right?
sometimes i don't have confidence of that....
and today,
i met with my conversation partner,
and we're also gonna meet tomorrow too!
he bought something for me during his trip.
i'm so glad!
●i learned [differentiation of 任せる]
→count on, rely on
i count on somebody=i rely on somebody
i count on somebody to do something (the nuance is expectation)
i rely on somebody to do something (the nuance is necessary)
●i learned [盗み聞きのニュアンス]
listen in→盗み聞き(ネガティブ)
eavesdrop→on purpose (not too negative)
overhear→accidentally (not negative)聞こえてきた
see ya
see ya
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