I'm Daito
and today is Aug 2nd.
I have to apologize i couldn't write yesterday's article.
Let me explain that.
Yesterday, Aug 1st
I went shopping to buy some summer cloths for my summer vacation in California
because in California, the temperature is very high,
it says that California is the hottest place in the world.
That's why i have to prepare my cloths.
and another reason is just for fashion.
and we talked about
next vacation's plan.
after that,
i went BBQ my agency had.
I was able to talk about my current situation to my senior,
and listen to his one from the senior.
and we decided to have dinner or something in these days.
after that,
I went federal party for my other senior i met last quarter.
i was going to leave earlier cuz the next day, i had a plan to go hiking.
BUT i drunk a lot, and i lose my memory.
when i noticed, the time was 7:15
my hiking friend pick me up at 7:30,
i have to go home and prepare my stuff for hiking.
I went hiking at Mt. Rainier.
it's the most famous mountain in Seattle. not seattle? lol
I was hangover. that's why it was sooo hard to move.
but it's great view!

you can see more on my facebook page.
and after that,
we had great dinner.
like this!
so, i apologize i couldn't write yesterday's article because sooo many things happend.
●i learned [how to pronounce the words]
→2/3{two thirds}
→2:3{two to three}
it's interesting right?
●i learned [rapidly]
see ya!
see ya!
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