I'm Daito
and today is Aug 8th.
today i met with my conversation partner.
so i explained my mistake i wrote before.
and then we talked about many things.
and after that, i said
"i'm seeking any advices!"
and i continued,
"i can't understand long sentence on conversation"
"sometimes, people say, the person who is ~~~ like ==== is ==== "
"so, i forget what the person said at first!"
and then, he said,
"it's impossible for japanese to translate."
i said,
"i know! i don't translate.
i just try to understand.
but my understanding is just 60%"
ok. let's see.
"That I told my mother that my little sister bought for my big sister some present she loves was confused my cousin."
I thought,"Huh?"
You don't have to translate,
you can't translate, just understand.
and tell me what i said in japanese.
ok, again.....
the bottom line is my conversation partner trains me understand mostly.
this is the greatest listening practice i have ever had.
if i keep learning with him like this,
i must be able to listen to english exactly.
i appreciate this meeting.
it's gonna be my best successful reason of studying abroad.
●i learned [difference]
→envelop and envelope
{envelop is V}accent is the latter
{envelopw is N} accent is the former
●i learned [dif btw combine and gather]
{in class}
(i said)if you send me the business plan you charge of,
(i said)i can gather (? combine) yours and mine.
(i said)~~~~~~in class and i confused about it.
(i said)which one is correct?
(he)combine. if you say gather, it means
(i said)wow, totally different.
●i learned [dif btw convention and conference]
(he)convention is many people come to one place.
(he)but conference is discussion.
(he)same meaning in japanese,
(he)but nuance is a little bit different.
see ya!
see ya!
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