

Thanks to my friend

I'm Daito,
i'm glad i didn't confuse btw experience and experiment, lol
and today is Sep 2nd.

i got free hamburger with my friends,
and after that, i had dinner.

it already took 6 hours since i ate dinner,
but i'm still full, lol

i have to stay up till 3:30 am today
cuz i have experiment about SEO, and hatenabookmark.
i'm gonna be excited.

that's why i'm still awake,
but don't worry!
I already slept 3 hours♪

oh, guess what!
i decided to visit Facebook in CA
thanks to my really nice friend.
i really appreciate there are some friends around me.
thanks again!!!

●i learned [bring it on]
{in dvd}
(A)hey, I'll start!
(B)ok, bring it on, you!!!lol

●i learned [self conscious]
self means 自分
conscious means 意識
so, actually this meaning is 自意識
but sometimes (in dvd)people say it as はずかしい
(A)you can have dinner alone.
(B)noway, i feel self conscious, like i'm on display.
(C)sometimes, i'm on display, but NO!

●i learned [candiate]
{i heard of it a lot,
but i couldn't remember}

●i learned [devoid of]
ex) he is devoid of humor.

see ya!

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